Friday, December 24, 2010

Thr it is edward elric !!! first time drawin hi savin the trouble fr some ppl who view my drawin haha

New sketch of edward elric

Check out my new drawing at deviant !!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Drawings !!! ^______^

I am bck with new drawings that I draw my own !! Own Ideas !!! I haven took photos of them yet .... may post them around this week . So stay tuned ...... Not Much to do in the holidays and christmas is lik 3 days away counting down !! haha . My songs summoner game juz unlocked iron man ( monk ) and Sabotage and the sabotage guy is awesome !!! Seriously . leave a msg in my chatbox and I may help u guys >>> THNX !!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

My posts are not even 100 pro rite !!

I noe this is lame bt my blog has nt even reached 100 posts !! Very bad at updatin my blog I noe bad blog bad boy !!haha

Friday, December 10, 2010

It's Christmas !!!

It's 15 more days to Christmas , I am very glad to hear tat !! Many New Kpop Songs related to this festival has juz been released !! Many new songs and they are nice !! tag wat songs tat u would like to hear related to Christmas and they must be related to Kpop !!! Haha =)

Monday, December 6, 2010

DeviantArt ^^

To browse my drawings now !! go deviantart !!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

To see more of my drawing !! ??

If u wanna see more of my drawings , u can go to my fb profile page to see it !! Thnx For the support ! Follow me on Twitter !

My Latest Drawin !

Some ppl may noe tat I draw for fun and some may not ! Bt anyways this is my new drawin of Lea from KH BBS ! I like him alot in the game even though he is nt the main character ! He will grow up to join organization XIII in the name of Axel ! Enough Intro here is wat I draw !

Aiyo ! Blog Dead Luh !

Sry ppl I always say I want to update then leave it blank !! Sry ! Now I will really Post somethings !

Thursday, September 16, 2010

2NE1 songs are really addictive ^^

Their songs are so addictive that I am sticking to them this few days . And I really mean days . I even listen to them when I walk to school and coming back from school and when i am doin my hw and playin com . Try them out ! The songs are really nice and It has a so called curse on them . Haha ^^ One of the best album I have heard ! Gonna buy it if it comes to SG . Yea Yea !!!!! Yeaaaaa

Sunday, September 12, 2010

OK a new day ! Haha

Ok tdy a new day and my cousin , Sean is goin to london to study graphic design ^^ ........ so cool hope I cn go there 1 day ! haha . Sad thing is cousin kevin is nt here , should ask him more about my blog and kpop stuff bt too bad he is nt here tdy !
Haiz , Dinner was gd tdy and had nice conversations with relatives . haha ! Played chi chess with my uncle and drawed with him , very tough opponent . After tat went home ! very nice day and hope tat tmw will end well like tdy ^^
Gd nite sweet dreams ^^

Thursday, September 9, 2010

THe Reason Why I didn't cut my hair tdy ?

My fav hairdresser did not come tdy as he is having a day off which i dun noe so I will hopefully cut my hair tmw !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ok tdy is another gd Day !

OK , day 3 of the holidays and it's going well . Clearing My Mind Really Help Alot In doing my schoolwork . Still have maths and english not done . + It is online Hw !! I gtta say that tmw going to cut my hair . Don't know how it will turn out . Still got many things to handle ? Exams ? Hw ? Others ? I dun noe . Hope everything goes well !!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Today ! is OK

Wow seriously it is the holidays and I have to go back to school . WHat is THIS ? wake up around 6.30 cos my mum needs to work so gt up early and have nice breakfast ! After that , went to plaza to walk around , btw in the morning the shops are not open there except for macdonald's and KFC . So needed to go toilet , went to 2nd storey toilet , cleaning and so forth until the 4th storey . So after doing my business in there went outside the comics connection shop there and sat there and msg friends . Until about 7.45 then i went to sch . The drama starts at 8.30 so went early . After that , saw Kevin in sch and talk . Cut the long story short , I didn't remember some of my lines even though i had very little to remember .

After school went to plaza with clarence , walk around and saw suria and raj at mac , so talk to them and decided to go suria's block area's exercise place . We just call it our  ` Ninja Warrior ' . After tough training there , went to get free water which suria says is nice . In order to get free water , ppl have to go down a drain and get the water and climb out again . So tasted the water and it was actually quite nice . Nicer than pure water . Haha . Then went back home by walking .

Yea , Got Lucifer album at Last !

I used to be not a fan of SHINee , but times have changed and I am now a Real fan XD . Seriously , it's no joke , that is how powerful kpop can influence you . I noe that there are some anti fans of kpop and bands . But who cares as long as you are a fan . Just so happy to get the album !

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Step Up 3 !!

Wow , the movie mention above really ROX . It is so nice . You can say that we mix a bit of dance and romance in the story . After tuition went to Lot 1 wif Shan Quan to watch this awesome . B4 watchin it i wondered  , Hey why am i watching step up 3 when I nvr even watch step up 1 and 2 ! LOLs .
So as I was watchin the show I found it seriously NICE . But while the show was showing , a few accidents also happen . I went to the toilet twice and nvr notice Lot 1 's cinema toilets change . After the movie , LRTied home . Hahaha . Recommend it to ppl . One Better Day !

Monday, August 30, 2010

Teacher's Day ( nt tomorrow )

Teacher's day is on wednesday in Singapore !! Ok , so tmw I and my frens are goin to visit our primary school out of boredom and fun . Don't know how it will turn out ! Haha ~

Friday, August 27, 2010

NCC !!

I recently find that NCC is fun and would like to continue going haha

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yo ! Nothin Mch Juz saying it's my Birthday tmw !

Ok tdy is the 22nd , tmw the 23rd . My birthday is on 23rd . August 23rd . Juz a shout out ^^ haha ~ End it here !

Saturday, August 14, 2010

OMG !!! Orienteering !

First of all it is fun and tiring bt at the same time the test is effing hard ! I woke up at &7 in the morning tdy and had my breakfast b4 setting off for sch . The weather was gd tdy so it may seem quite gd in the morning . After that we gt on the bus to Macrichie Reservoir . Over there we did a pacing practice , after that we split into groups . My group members were wen qing , suria and darryl .We were the first to plot everything so we are the first to set off . to find the checkpoints which are spoons and codes written on them using a marker is very hard . Through the whole thing , we struggled alot bt managed to just  find 5 out of 8 stations and gt back first .after the whole thing we had a fast march back to the road junction and then waited fr the bus . At the bus was tired so rested ~ . When we reached sch we had our test . It was hard and I struggled a lot through it but managed to finish the paper . Hope I pass the test . One Better Day !

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today !

Hey , still not feeling well but recovering from cough and school went through smoothly . Around the afternoon , met with wen qing and clarence to complete our english comprehension and Maths homework . I still have extra maths homework as I did not come on friday . I will have to do it tomorrow . Hope ll ends well . I will also be posting some of my KHR drawings on Facebook , maybe tomorrow ^^ . Love the anime . One Better Day !

Just A stupid Request ? Haha

For all those that come to my blog , pls click the follow button to follow this blog . Kind of stupid but still need it .

Thursday, July 29, 2010

hehe , Orienteering?

The part B's are going for a orienteering on the 13th and 14th of august . It is gonna be fun

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wow today was fun !

It was Ms He's birthday and we celebrated her birthday in the class . I think the class should make the surprise at the hall as there is assembly so it will  be like More Fun ! haha . But at PE , it is kind of fun , played captain's ball , got really exhausted and did not catch the ball well . But instead kick one time . LOL . Funny but still embarassing . Long time no practice , that's why like that . That's all for the fun part or is there ........ ~

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Today !

Ok first thing to say , long time no post . Cos I am busy with projects and other stuff in school . Today did nothing much but just going out to tuition and going out with friends . That's all I think

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Day

I have class to attend and after that will go to aunt's house . haha ~ short and sweet ~ . That is how it ends today ^^

The Hitman Reborn !

Katekyo Hitman reborn is still airing but I am reading the manga to understand the story . I have also draw some pictures of the characters so check them out at my facebook and dun forget to comment ^^

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Anime rockz ^^

I have already came back to the anime world recently and is currently watching KatekyoHitmanReborn and I find it very nice . Can't wait for the next episode . ~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Really Bad DAY !!

Pls do not tell anyone after readin this , juz between us . Hehe . ok I am really in a bad mood just now when I was at my aunt's house . Ok , this is what happen , I was watching Invicible Youth and when my cousin came back i was like ok la want to watch TV right ? ok la let you watch . That was what I think . Ok so I switched to channel 8 to let her watch . As it was Yuri , Sunny and Hyeona's Final Day in Invicble Youth so very sad luh , then she want to watch zzzz ..... Ok after letting her watch I went to a table to sleep as I wanted to cool down as it was really sad then never finish . then after awhile my jiefu came in to the picture , on the lights so cannot sleep then went to the like hall to sleep . So switched off the lights , then started sitting down on the floor to sleep . Same thing my cousin came in and switched on the lights before proceeding to take her clothes to bathe after the show , then I really like mad already , here cannot sleep there cannot sleep then where to sleep ? For your info I do not have a bedroom . After that went to kitchen to sleep , stupid right . But seriously , tired and wanted to cool down so off the lights then my aunt say ok . This time , my cousin extra come in say why the kitchen lights off . Then my aunt say cause I want to sleep what , as an elder you should let the younger people some leeway but she say on the lights then my aunt off luh . Ok so argue awhile luh . Not happy already . Then go switched on the lights again then she not happy say on back again . My aunt say nevermind la he want to sleep why care bout him . So rest awhile la . Ok thats the story . Comment where got this kind of cousin 1 . That time argur bout TV now bout my sleep . Think if you want to sleep then this kind of cousin come What to do . Everything must let my cousin is it . really hate to say this but she seriously ....... It is in my mind but think of a word for me to end . Thanks !

Monday, June 28, 2010

The First day of school

Ok it is 28th of june and the first day of school after the holidays . The first day was ok , had a new teacher for history and changed a  teacher for science . Then after school went plaza with clarence loiter awhile as he say want to buy some things to eat . So after that LRT back home . Find it kind of slacking recently as never went out for a run recently then tmw there is PE . What is this ? So ok that's all .

The second part of melody project

Back Again !The second part of melody project is out . But Sadly , there is a part 3 so hopefully it will come out fast as the music drama is so far very nice . I just felt like uploading the video and the song is very nice and it's singer is none other than F(x)'s Krystal ^^ ! So let's wish it's third part will be released fast ! Hehe .

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sry fr the slow updates !

I did not post this few weeks and sry for that readers . The holidays are about to end and school is going to end but if I say holiday forever , it will be too boring then if I say no holidays it will be very stressful . Haha . I may start posting when the holidays are over . Thnx for the understanding ^^

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Today !

Yesterday was shocked that I slept sitted on my bed till 5 in the morning . Woke up and played Chaos Rings . Completed the game but there are still other secrets to be unlocked . It should be nice . Hehe , yesterday also went jogging with Clarence . It was so fun but I was way in front of him and like he was out of breath . Haha . Thats all for now

Chaos Rings ?

I really got into this game for the iphone . It is called Chaos Rings and it is very addicting I already completed the first part of the game and it is available at the app store for $15.99 . Expensive but nice and I got it for Free ! But only if you jailbreak your ipod or iphone . Hehe . Really recommend it to people who like RPG games !

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today !

Today , did not do anything but just watch He's Beautiful and use the computer . Saw people from school today at plaza . Really hope the world will be peaceful and pure . Is that much better ? By the way the pretty lady above is Uee from After School . She is pretty and cute rite ? But Yuri is still the most pretty among my fav korean female  celebs . Hahax . Just a Post ^^

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Holidays !

3 days have past since the holidays and so far it is good as there are shows , music and sports to keep me occupied , FOR now . Really hope it goes well !

Friday, May 28, 2010

How about today ?

Today very boring , nothing to do so decided to blog . People say that if you think about it , you will have a idea on what to do . Ok , today did not do much except for playing some games and chinese chess with my cousin . Lost 2 rounds , but will improve and sharpen on my skills . Nothin much .Just a Post =D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today !

Today I woke up and then routine . After that on my comp to check on some stuffs . That is for now ! I still have to attend British council and aniq's dad wedding . Haha . Yesterday , also went to the canal to jog with Clarence and really had a good jog . It is already our 4th training session of the week . Tuesday there is a museum trip ^^ I wonder about PBL what will happen next term and about PBL . Many challenges ! Just a Post .

Haha , why the sudden post ?

Lame , why do I suddenly post ? I think that if I don't blog now , this blog is going to be dead ! So let's get back to real business . Haha

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I have always like Krystal in f(x) or in music drama like this . Hope that the part 2 will come out and a happy ending !

Monday, May 10, 2010

Such a Boring Day !

Today had maths paper 1 and geography paper so after paper , went to plaza for toilet since out of school already then went to bangkit to train pull - up and monkey bar . Trying to complete every stage , including the jumping part . But unfortunately , broke 2 of my blisters while doing monkey bar as did it too fast . Haha . Still have some more papers to take . So really have to study harder .

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not Posting ....... !

I may not be posting for awhile due to exam but hope people still check back . Still have to work harder after finding  out the chinese paper is difficult . Really have to work hard .

Friday, April 30, 2010

Today !

Today school was ok , had exam and after that went to the kevin house for awhile then go to Lot 1 to buy his Hot pink headphone for himself then went back to school for literature presentation . Tried to remember but ..... in the end still remember . Later when it is time for us to present , the crowd made us laugh but it was very funny . After the presentation , Ms He gave us homework from Ms Ivy . Later took LRT with Clarence and the others . Walk back with Clarence . Get back home routine then watch Tv . Today was really busy and the weather is hot .

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today !

Today did not go to school as I was sick today . Feel not so good but clarence and suria pass me homework to do . I was like OMG so many homework ! Now going to revise for my exam tomorrow ! So I better work harder . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today !

Today had 2.4 km run was very boring . Woke up early in the morning at 5.45 then routine and then rest for awhile before rushing down to LRT to meet my friends then took LRT to Lot 1 then change to MRT to go to chinese garden . We decided to go to cheers to buy drinks but it wasn't open yet so decided to wait since it is still early . After waiting for so long and it is still not open yet we decided to make our way to chinese garden . So later put valuables in a plastic bag for the teacher to keep . Then we go by level to run . When it was our turn we did some warm up then briefing to run . After that started to run , jog till I reached clarence . Congrats to people who did well . Later decided to go back by LRT with Suria . At home really did sleep after eating and resting and of couse , bathing . After that it will be another story ........... Exams are coming . Sam , you really have to work very hard .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Today !

Today was fun and did many things after school . I had to go for a survey and the survey was very boring . After that went to plaza with clarence then saw Kairu at Mcdonald's later walked back home . At home , routine already then watch movie on TV . What a day full of activities . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Today !

Today went to party at bugis junction , Ma Maison . The food was awesome , came there first and then wait for awhile ,walk around bugis junction for awhile then went back . Ordered baked fish with don't know what sauce . Took a picture of it and my cousin's tonkatsu set . Looks nice but it is also tastes nice . Later my other cousin went to river valley to take the cake . When she came back sing birthday song for my nephew then went to aunt's house . At aunt's house , took some pictures with cousin then later went to see my other cousin play Final Fantasy 13 , nice and fun . Afetr that went to buy things to eat for dinner . After about ten went back home . So Fun today . Just a Post =D

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today !

Today woke up early and played my ipod touch . Fun . Yesterday, downloaded lots of new games and played a few today . Later still have to attend a birthday party and go to british council . What to do , today is a busy schedule . Try to finish my british council homework fast . Just a Post =D

Today !

Today , so happy solved my ipod problem then went to tuition . So fun and scored the highest in class =D . Later went to IMM and then went to buy SNSD run devil run album and also bought 3 snsd and 2 shinee cards . So happy today =D . Just a Post .

Friday, April 23, 2010

Today !

Today time passed fast and school was fun . After school , went to plaza with clarence and later found out that I can't listen to my music in my Ipod so only method to get home and reset the things . When I got back to auntie's house , routine then sleep till 5+ . Shocked that today there is no music bank ! Then later went back home later round 8+ then decided to repair but find the method difficult ........ Just a Post =D

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today !

Today after school , Clarence came to my house then we played chinese chess and some games and of course Homework . It was fun later went to West Mall to eat . The food was nice and after that went to eat Ice cream and I had strawberry fields it was nice and good . After that went home . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today , school was fun except I really don't get it , why does Arrifin and Ridwan keep asking me to dance ring ding dong . From my opinion , I think that they are umappreciative . So be it I don't really care . Anyways after school followed Wen Qing and Suria to play chinese chess under the block . After that went back , routine then went to fajar to get my hair trim . Around 8+ at night went to plaza to buy 4 cards . They are shown above . Could not find Yuri's picture so have to search for it somewhere . Later when going out of plaza saw ms chia and 2 teachers . Never greet as they talking . Haha . Just a Post =D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today !

Today at school , fun , PE did well for Sit-ups and broke Minho's record for it . But I did badly for broad jump and sit and reach . Must work harder on this 2 . After school went to plaza and after awhile went back home . Just a Post =D

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today !

Today the day was exciting but boring at the same time , went to hiking trip after school with clarence after  eating then walk from school to zhenghua park and then to bangkit . So fun sia talk alot but leg very cramp shoulder hurts . Haha but worth it . Tomorrow still got PE at last can run haha . Better go do my homework . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today went to british council , so fun . We talk and talk then later let teacher scold . Haha . After british council , went to eat with eat with mum at tanglin mall , after that we went to Provence at holland village to buy bread . The bread was so nice . Really recommend it to people who likes eating bread . I forgotten the bread that I ate , I think it was petite something . Then a baker boy come out , he so handsome . then I like wow so shuai . Then took bus back , later still have to go aunt's house .

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today !

Today woke up on the computer and check on updates and listen to some music . Later I still have to go to British council . Now just update and do the work later . Haha . Just a Post =D

What is the meaning of Useful ?

I think that some people really ask for it when they call others useless but they are actually useful in ways but you do not or may know what they may be good at . I do not like this kind of people and if you are trying to choose a team member for your group , you would of course choose someone who is good in that subject or topic and do not call the other person useless as he may be good in other topics . I know that this may seem meaningless to you now, but when you work in the society , you would have to go through this kind of problems . Hope you people will understand what I mean but if you would not listen to the advice you may suffer in the future . Haha I just wrote what I think of this topic . Just an advice , take it if you want to .

Today !

Today after my tuition , I waited for clarence to come to my house to do our project , after that we played some games then he went home . Haha . Then I am here blogging now . Just a Post =D

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today !

Today I wake up to update this blog and faceboking . Later still have chinese class and i have to watch some shows later . Will update ASAP .

Today !

Wow this is my 40th post ! WooHoo and I started blogging this year and 40th post already . Haha . ok back to Today ! Today went to school for speech day , it was so boring . Principal talk for like 40 minutes + . Later went to the movies with clarence and the others . Watch Date night then went home . Clarence went to land to play some things then I went back home . Wow , halfway back it rained so ran back . I was fast . Music Bank was still minutes away so I went to bathe then watch music bank . I decided to sleep till 8  . Then went home round 8.30 . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today !

Today school was so fun ! Got 2 barnabas letter and had a geography test haha . We also had an oral exam and it was difficult . After that played chinese chess with wenqing then went home . I did routine then watch tv . hoping for tomorrow to come !!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today !

Today school so boring , no PE no run then after school went to ace learning course then then went home watch star golden bell challenge and invicible youth then play some games . What a boring day . Just a Post =D

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today !

Today went to school with the boring mood then teacher gave homework . So Bad news as there is speech day for me later sad case . Ended school fast and later 3 + suria told me to hurry up so that we will not be late . Later when I reached down , I forgotted to bring tie so ran back and take tie then I ran to find him . Speech day was boring man , talk and talk then after that went to 7-11 buy drink then we went to the wilderness then came back ........ routine then watch TV . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today !

Today on the computer whole day after coming back from British council . When I turn on my computer I sort out songs from my music library then decided to msn awhile then check back my facebook , later I decided to learn shinee's Ring Ding Dong dance but was difficult but I picked up some parts then decided to find some Shinee's songs , find out their songs were nice . Later still got to do homework and tomorrow still have rehearsal for speech day . Hope it ends well . Just a Post =D

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today !

Today , I updated many things on my official blog and my K-pop blog so hope you people take a good look at it . Later still have to go british council , mr matthew is gone but there is a new teacher today just hope that it is not bad news . hahaha . Just a Post =D

Friday, April 9, 2010

Today !

Today the day was fast and fun . After school took LRT with Suria and Wen Qing then go fajar buy Ice cream eat then went home . Routine again then eat . Rest for awhile sleep then wake up play some games then watch some shows then later go popular buy file and foolscap . Come back facebooking and msning , after that , created a new facebook account . Now Blogging and msning , so boring ,hope that life will liven up abit .

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today !

Today end school fast , went to NCC HQ for train firing . The instructor was good and clear in his explainations . Later went back , cadets who go to camp steel get their certificates back and we get to go back early because we had good attendance . Later went home , routine , eat then rest for awhile then sleep . Come Back to own house play the computer then later think wanna work out . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today !

Today was the same routine in school and had fun but was very tiring . After school followed Kevin to popular to buy the science Theory workbook but unfortunately it was out of stock . Later I and Clarence went to te library to play some games on my Ipod and saw Limin . After two hours ++ , we went back home by bus . Just a Post =D

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today !

Today went to never do much only work , work and more work . Boring have to work harder as exam is coming . Later after school , I went to plaza to buy 2 curry puffs , 1 for me another buy for my aunt . Recommended Clarence the stall and he bought 1 and said that it is not bad , later after walking for 1 big round around the plaza , said he wanted another 1 so followed him go buy another 1 then we went back via LRT went to his house to use the toilet then went back home , complete my routine then waited till 5 + tired then sleep didn't realise Invicible Youth start already . Sad but lucky today Yuri was not here . Yuri Hwaiting Speedy recover . Hwaiting . Just a Post =D

Monday, April 5, 2010

Today !

Today at school very boring , teachers have things to attend , some sick then is like we have no lesson ! What is this . I regret it now , wanna learn more new things then just talk but the lesson so boring , how can don't talk . School was normal today went to play chinese chess with clarence then thought we both late but lucky was just in time . later science teacher never come then we had to do 1 hour of relief work . Later home economics period talk alot but also got listen to the teachers . Last period , was Ms Ivy period then had to get into group then write about a class romance story ending , so funny . Later went to plaza Mc donalds saw Gwendolyne , I think she never see me .Later took Bus home saw a group of boys saying girls pretty or not pretty , very funny sia then ignore them and listen to music and get home . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today !

Today in the morning , wake up play some games then eat , go british council found out zheng hao never come decided to talk to augustine the perv lucky he today not so perv , huiyi and wen xiu . Today is our teacher's last day so we all very happy but he is good . the five of us ( hui yi , wenxiu , augustine , me and zheng hao ) always give attitude to teacher to Mr Matthew but today relax abit but later also get scolding from teacher for talking too much and never do homework , later come back eat then go back to Facebooking and Blogging . Later have to go aunt's house !! Just a Post =D

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hard Day !!

Today lessons was so boring until I don't want to study . Later have NCC training , it was tough learning new drills and had a blister on my leg as the boots scrap through my skin so the blister break ! Ouch ! Later went back home and bathe so tired . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Is This !!

I was late for recess assembly and got detention , what is this ?? I later had to report to the detention room at 2.00 but the teacher was not there . Later decided to find the teacher but on the way found Yoona Junior , I won't reveal who is she , ask clarence if really look like yoona and he said yeah look like her later found Ms Tan and went to the detention room slept till 3 + then woke up . Later sian then go plaza buy food eat then go home .

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today !

Today , can say very boring or very fun . I went to school early in the morning , lucky was not late . Later had our maths lesson , teacher got angry and scolded the class for 18 people not bringing the homework so the whole class had to stay back for detention . After recess , went to music room dance Flashmob and was shocked that on the actual test , there will be korean songs to dance to , Shocked and excited . ^^ Hehe . Later went back was science , teacher never come and was asked to do Mindmap , it was not our science teacher who instructed us to do it so I and clarence did not do it . We later did a freeze when Ms he camein , she asked many different questions and we did not answer , we just stayed in that stance . Later we laugh and it was so funny . After school decided to go plaza buy things with clarence then went back home . After eating , I slept and when I woke up watch Invicible Youth , I watch till 7.15 then my elder cousin came and said that she wanted to watch channel 8 so i had no choice so I let her watch . I was so angry cause it was Yuri's turn to ride the Tractor against Sunny but she came at that timing . I asked my friend about what happened to the competition and she told me that Yuri won ^^ . Woohoo . But I was still angry and went to punched the wall and my aunt thought that I fell down . I was still angry so bathe cold water in sub zero temperature . Felt better but still angry . Hope that Yuri is doing well . Just a Post =D

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today !

What now everyday school the same procedure so boring . I wish I got more life . Today at school got 1 hour detention for the class being too hyper then after that go plaza alone . Go comics connection , buy some cards and talk to the comics person . Later when I went back home , bathe then I take a nap , 6+ wake up then watch music ban (repeat) then eat . after that come home facebooking then go blog . Just a Post =D

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Today !

Today went to British council in the morning and the class fun . After that come back play the computer and go to auntie' house . come back do my homework then decided to update the blog . Just a Post =D

Friday, March 26, 2010

What happen In NCC and after it !

At Ncc , it was bad as the training was tough and they gave us lots of Push-ups in tight positions and we had to squeeze to do the push-ups . Later we went to a classroom to have the Master Parade . 2 people got promoted .
Haquel = 2nd sergeant
Qamarul = Staff sergeant
Jeremiah = got the outstanding cadet award
Later went back to some training and they started Pt at 4.30 so I reported sick as I didn't bring my Pt Kit . After Ncc , came back eat , play the computer and went back to school for secondary school briefing . Later Me and Clarence go Plaza buy things , he bought a packet of Potato chips and I bought nothing as I didn't bring my walllet . He came to my house to do survey and play his facebook . He also wanted of Yoona . Another Yoona Fan . I printed another picture of Yoona for him and gave him the Black file with 1 of Yoona's picture in it so he got 2 pictures . Later , we played chinese chess and he lost . later followed him halfway back and came home and played the computer and listen to some songs before I watched survivor and send songs to my phone . Played games later and slept around 2 . Tiring Day but Fun !!! Just another Post =D

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today a day that I never went to school !!!

Today I did not went to school as ..... I was LATE for school . I overslept and woke around 7.30 where school already starts so what to do . I never go to school . Later still got CCa and today is the master parade  so i must go . after that still got the sec 3 streaming program so today cannot watch music Bank . Why must itfall on this day . I wanted to see if SNSD win today but what I cannot watch . WHAT is this ??? Tomorrow still got chinese tuition so don't know what to do tomorrow !!!

Today and Tommorow !!

Today go to school fun but at chinese lesson climb over the teacher's head and in the end got scolding from form teacher . After scolding , write report than go to plaza with Clarence then go home almost see Don but luckily prevented clarence from going near them and we go by the other side . Later go home , bathe , eat then listen to music . Sad . Tommorow will be diffrent as I have CCA . still don't know what to do tomorrow .

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

what happen after school on 24th march ( revealed )

Remember people that I told you about Don and Clarence almost fighting , I am going to reveal to you what happen after school . I and clarence ran out of school after the chinese lesson as he was afraid that Don would wacked him after school so we decided to take the LRT to Lot 1 ! Crazy right . At the LRT , we listen to music together until we reached Lot 1 . After we reached Lot 1 , we went to the library to play games . he played stickwars for 2 and a half hour before we head to comics connection . When I we went there we started searching for SNSD pictures . I bought 5 cards . 2 yuri and yoona and the others are just group pictures of SNSD . After that we bought  Ice cream and went back to school if we could find my pencil case as I misplaced it so after we find it , we went back via walking . It was fun !!! =D Later get home , bathe then wait for dream team to start . while waiting for it I read a self improvement book . Just a Post =D


Today went to school but the day was fun only after the recess as I feel more awake ! Went Back to the class after class and it was geography lesson but before that Don and Clarence almost fought . Don shouted very loudly but clarence like never say anything just give the angry look . So geography lesson talk to clarence about the argument . After that science learn about sexual education than the whole class started laughing . But I admit I also laugh a little cause get irritated but don't know what is their problem . After that is chinese lesson . We disturbed the teacher , it is bad but I got influennced by friends so also disturb the teacher . Haha so funny . Later I took Haibin's wallet as he left it on the table , later I pass it to Xixiu to hide the wallet . Then later clarence asked haibin if we could see sooyoung's picture , he was shocked that his wallet was missing . Wow sooyoung you have a fan in our class ! If you are seeing this blog via yuri then I don't know what to say . Later , Haibin started taking the newspaper wacking me so I told him to check my bag but he don't want to then i told him it was clarence then later wenqing so after so much commotion xixiu return it to him but he took the wallet and went out of the class . Guess he won't talk to us tomorrow . After school ...... a mystery . Haha just a post =D

Monday, March 22, 2010


wa today was so fun , we go on a life skills course at school and had to do a forfeit as we lost . the forfeits were to dance the bob the dandruff dance , chicken dance (sexy version ) and SNSD's OH! dance . Yuri and yoona if you are seeing this please don't laugh cause we were force to do it . But the whole course was so fun and I learn lots of things out of it . Juz a post =D

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What is everyday

Everyday is the day you live your life and the way you live it so I hope that people will live their day well . Just a post =D

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today and Yesterday !

Today just wke up so nothing to do and no bc today so have to stay at home study and play com at night maybe go to aunts' house for fun . Almost I every week go there so it is also like a routine to me , unless they have to go somewhere or something is up then we will not go my aunts' house . Yesterday was fun went to bugis junction and bought some books there and when I went there , look around first then fund out that there was nothing nice so decided to go to the self-improvement section to check on some books . I found a book called `Who moved my cheese ' and so I decided to read it . without me knowing it I was already finished reading the book and it is a nice book after that went to CCK to eat then go back home .

Friday, March 19, 2010

Today !

Today wake up watch we got married 2 on youtube and msn in the morning . Later have to go for tuition so come back then will post again . Just a post =D

This week !!

Another week has past and I have not done much but find lots of K-pop songs so it is quite meaningful . But homework haven't finish yet . Have to finish by tonight but not in the mood . Just a post =D

Thursday, March 18, 2010

BlazBlue nt done still in the game

blazblue is fun bt im nt out of it yet as it has alot of alternative  endings so I will take some time . Juz a post .

At the Night

Holidays are closing down to 1 last day and I think that it is time to study and return to school . At the night I always blog , facebookin and msn . Bt when school is starting I have to sleep at 9 plus . Very early to some ppl bt late for others bt it is OK fr me . So bloggin this late is only in the holidays . Pick up speed man n the com to save time Sam . Tired already gtg sleep .

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The New chocolate BL40

It is a cool touch phone bt it is easy to use after 2 days if you keep playing wif it . It is really nice and has dual camera function and Dual screen UI so juz a phone that I recommend .

Today !

I can tell you guys today is very good day but I dun noe wad to do later so its bad . why is it good tdy as I find many SNSDs' song and yesterday also watch the MV and download it so it is gd .

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

OK really now some Game stuff

I have been playing BlazBlue for the holidays and it is quite fun bt also boring bt after unlockin some things like unlimited Ragna and other characters it is quite fun . It also has Legion Mode where you have your own army of Characters so it is fun . 8 / 10 I rate it bt nt better than Disgaea

Monday, March 15, 2010


tdy wake up do daily routine then go play com , msn and then update this blog . tdy gt songs recommendations by fwen so gd . k still lis to songs . nothin to do alrdy only hw .

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pets !!!

I can tell u that I hate ppl who abuse their own pets and others pets . It is so hurtful . So pls ppl dun abuse pets as they have lives .

Saturday, March 13, 2010

British council

Tdy british council study bout sherlock holmes . bt ltr hav to write summary bout him sian so write halfway stop and talk then continue to do work . Agustine talk alot bout his cousin and I , Huiyi and Wenxiu over there juz laugh cause very funny bt he say lots of vulgar things so class pass fast then went back bloggin and facebookin . so lets see wat is fr next post

Today a tiring bt fun day

wa tdy after tuition go IT fair and c gt anythin to buy . I walk around the sony ericsson shop in the fair and the AINO was $628 wow it is cheaper and gt free gift bt I told the guy that I will think bout it . I decided to wait fr my other fwen to come . Bt I thought that I would go out of the fair to look fr another phone so I and my other fwen went to tiong bahru plaza to eat then go and look fr LG store to find if gt LG chocolate when I saw it , it was $888 bt since my father was there he bought the phone under his contract and we gt it at $588 it was cheaper bt I guess I bought the phone cause SNSD endorse it and I was fated to buy this phone so ltr happy send fwen back home first then go home . Juz to clear something the guy say that LG phones dun spoil easily so dun any how accuse LG ppl .

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today !

Today, my schedule packed alrdy . Deciding after finishing tuition go IT fair see wad cn buy there

Dampt Wat is this ??

Wat is this the Tv say that the album will be in stores on 12 march but yesterday I go check the stock haven come yet leh wad is this . Pls comment .

Official blog

Nw this blog is really official and real . Fr all those that noe my previous blog , noe that I put SNSD pics there. Okay first post done , bloggin starts nw!!!