Monday, September 6, 2010

Today ! is OK

Wow seriously it is the holidays and I have to go back to school . WHat is THIS ? wake up around 6.30 cos my mum needs to work so gt up early and have nice breakfast ! After that , went to plaza to walk around , btw in the morning the shops are not open there except for macdonald's and KFC . So needed to go toilet , went to 2nd storey toilet , cleaning and so forth until the 4th storey . So after doing my business in there went outside the comics connection shop there and sat there and msg friends . Until about 7.45 then i went to sch . The drama starts at 8.30 so went early . After that , saw Kevin in sch and talk . Cut the long story short , I didn't remember some of my lines even though i had very little to remember .

After school went to plaza with clarence , walk around and saw suria and raj at mac , so talk to them and decided to go suria's block area's exercise place . We just call it our  ` Ninja Warrior ' . After tough training there , went to get free water which suria says is nice . In order to get free water , ppl have to go down a drain and get the water and climb out again . So tasted the water and it was actually quite nice . Nicer than pure water . Haha . Then went back home by walking .