Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today !

Today , can say very boring or very fun . I went to school early in the morning , lucky was not late . Later had our maths lesson , teacher got angry and scolded the class for 18 people not bringing the homework so the whole class had to stay back for detention . After recess , went to music room dance Flashmob and was shocked that on the actual test , there will be korean songs to dance to , Shocked and excited . ^^ Hehe . Later went back was science , teacher never come and was asked to do Mindmap , it was not our science teacher who instructed us to do it so I and clarence did not do it . We later did a freeze when Ms he camein , she asked many different questions and we did not answer , we just stayed in that stance . Later we laugh and it was so funny . After school decided to go plaza buy things with clarence then went back home . After eating , I slept and when I woke up watch Invicible Youth , I watch till 7.15 then my elder cousin came and said that she wanted to watch channel 8 so i had no choice so I let her watch . I was so angry cause it was Yuri's turn to ride the Tractor against Sunny but she came at that timing . I asked my friend about what happened to the competition and she told me that Yuri won ^^ . Woohoo . But I was still angry and went to punched the wall and my aunt thought that I fell down . I was still angry so bathe cold water in sub zero temperature . Felt better but still angry . Hope that Yuri is doing well . Just a Post =D