Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Really Bad DAY !!

Pls do not tell anyone after readin this , juz between us . Hehe . ok I am really in a bad mood just now when I was at my aunt's house . Ok , this is what happen , I was watching Invicible Youth and when my cousin came back i was like ok la want to watch TV right ? ok la let you watch . That was what I think . Ok so I switched to channel 8 to let her watch . As it was Yuri , Sunny and Hyeona's Final Day in Invicble Youth so very sad luh , then she want to watch zzzz ..... Ok after letting her watch I went to a table to sleep as I wanted to cool down as it was really sad then never finish . then after awhile my jiefu came in to the picture , on the lights so cannot sleep then went to the like hall to sleep . So switched off the lights , then started sitting down on the floor to sleep . Same thing my cousin came in and switched on the lights before proceeding to take her clothes to bathe after the show , then I really like mad already , here cannot sleep there cannot sleep then where to sleep ? For your info I do not have a bedroom . After that went to kitchen to sleep , stupid right . But seriously , tired and wanted to cool down so off the lights then my aunt say ok . This time , my cousin extra come in say why the kitchen lights off . Then my aunt say cause I want to sleep what , as an elder you should let the younger people some leeway but she say on the lights then my aunt off luh . Ok so argue awhile luh . Not happy already . Then go switched on the lights again then she not happy say on back again . My aunt say nevermind la he want to sleep why care bout him . So rest awhile la . Ok thats the story . Comment where got this kind of cousin 1 . That time argur bout TV now bout my sleep . Think if you want to sleep then this kind of cousin come What to do . Everything must let my cousin is it . really hate to say this but she seriously ....... It is in my mind but think of a word for me to end . Thanks !