Monday, April 5, 2010

Today !

Today at school very boring , teachers have things to attend , some sick then is like we have no lesson ! What is this . I regret it now , wanna learn more new things then just talk but the lesson so boring , how can don't talk . School was normal today went to play chinese chess with clarence then thought we both late but lucky was just in time . later science teacher never come then we had to do 1 hour of relief work . Later home economics period talk alot but also got listen to the teachers . Last period , was Ms Ivy period then had to get into group then write about a class romance story ending , so funny . Later went to plaza Mc donalds saw Gwendolyne , I think she never see me .Later took Bus home saw a group of boys saying girls pretty or not pretty , very funny sia then ignore them and listen to music and get home . Just a Post =D