Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Birthday !

  Haha damn its my birthday today ! Guess I am going to head to TT with sebas and tristan for tourney tmr and come back to yew tee at night ! Celebrated my birthday with family last week luh and had a blast but wasn't that good as I was having fever during that period ~
  I wonder this year what I would get but i doubt nth much ba ! I keep my birthday at quite a low profile actually .... Wonder what will the birthday luck do ~ So i guess i am ending the post here yawns :)

Sam Midnightwalker ~

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Old Me !

  Hey people :) You may think that I look full of courage , happiness and all the positive stuff but did you know last time what I was like ?
  Actually , as a small kid , I always get picked on by others , getting bullied and stuff ... u name it , I would have experience it :/ I hated the way how I was treated and would tend to do bad stuff such as stealing people stuff , calling people names , scolding the teacher , lots of evil stuff in my primary school life ! Juz that people who know me do not know about this , I changed only after my school councilor advise me doing the right stuff hence changing the way I was :)
  Now I think I am a better person compared to last time haiz ... I hope some of my friends changed their way of thinking about life after reading this and think positive in life :)

Sam Midnightwalker ~

#My Birthday !

  Hey Peeps , my birthday is finally coming ! WooHoo ! I really wonder how many birthday presents and wishes I would receive ( hopefully not birthday bashes )
  Kinda thinking now who really remembers my birthday except my relatives ? Closed Friends ? Haiz seriously doubt there would be many gifts from friends this year but nvm :) Its always the thought that counts ! Not being greedy but juz hope that everyone wished me happy birthday ! That would be good enough :)

Sam Midnightwalker ~

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Today Tournament AT CF ~

  Pretty Good day today ! Bad start at the beginning and Happy Ending ~
 My Team Members ~
  : Kerwin ( Shifu )
    Han Yong
    Gao Le ( Bowl Cut Stacker ! )
    Tristan ( Jace )
    Sam ( Midnightwalker )
  First Round against a mirror deck and scrub due to lots of misplays by me ( IDK what I doing that time ) ..... We got a walkover for the next round and proceed on to game 3 which we won ! Shifu was like facing a gal at the 3rd round but he was unfazed by how she act cute LOL . 4th Round we met Sebas Team and we decided to share prize so got into TOP 4 le :) So Sebas team won our first opponent hence winning 1st :) As for us , we got a friendly Fire against RRDSS which is Pentela Sean's team , so he was like please share if not the 4th place didn't got anything , In the end after a very long time ... we all decided to share hence $20 per person :)
  Met many Frens from AMK today ~ After Tourney we all went back to yew tee and I had dinner with sebas they all at Pastamania :) Played Deck at kopitiam after dinner b4 heading home :)
   Overall , still got much more to improve and catchup on misplays haiz :/ I was also still shocked about yee shean plays today :) SG strongest VG player ~ Signing off here

Sam Midnightwalker ~

Saturday, August 10, 2013

  This post is actually supposed to be put up during yesterday night but i was too tired so ya posting it today !
  Yesterday Shifu and I had to travel to serangoon to play for a tournament , we were full of hopes in winning it and on the way back we played UNO wif frens (was so fun ! keep XD ) maybe that was how i used my luck yesterday keep winning first lol ...
  First Round I fought against Link jokers and he was like attacking my rearguards so ya gain advantage easily :) 2nd round fought against Gold Paladins and lost but Shifu Carried me up :) So happy and we even lucky draw for 2 playmats .
  Next Round We fought Yee shean and Davey and we lost kinda sad man But its fine :( Gonna meet shifu now to go for a 5 man Tourney at CF hougang ( heard that it was KOF style ) Hope that today nothing goes wrong and we could reach the top to a prize of $200 :)
  So ya I am signing off :)

Sam Midnightwalker ~

Friday, August 9, 2013

Another Blog Author ?

  I have always thought to myself should I find another author for this blog ? hmm ... I think its time i should I guess haha XD
  So ? Any one up for the challenge ? PM me on facebook or twitter if u want to ?

  Today was kinda sad and happy for me at the same time :) Met up wif my frens around 1 + at iecon to play VG ,  register for tourney and played some UNO wif Sebas and Kerwin ( was Damn FUN )
  Went for tourney but scrub b4 even entering Top 8 , everyone was like how did u lose sam ? Disappointed , I juz replied them : It's VG anything could happen ... haiz
  Observe many games and realised many people 6 dmg heal today ah . Stayed around for awhile and went to mac after that , actually promised Derek and Luke to have dinner wif them but I didn't ( Sorry Guys )
  At mac ,  joined the ICE CREAM tourney and was soon interrupted by the manager ! He told us not to play cards here ! We were like : hey ! we bought drinks and food to dine here , at the same time to chill and relax ! He Told us to leave the mac b4 he called the police , so we had no choice but to leave :(
  After leaving mac Me , Devin , Sean and Ryan went over to have more vg games ! Basically Today is VG , VG and more VG LOL
  Overall , quite a disappointing for me and i really hope for tomorrow that Me and Shifu could win 1st at rowell :) ( I really MEAN it )
  Another thing , If u are reading this post Felicia , please tell me who so smart can make u trust him :) Really am damn Curious : /
 So yea I am signing off here :)

Sam Midnightwalker ~

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Revive ?

Ok ! This is Aug 2013 and its been like 3 years :/  I could say that i had changed more into a different person ? 
Hmm i had stopped Drawing since last year :/ Picked up card games and jubeat as my new hobbies :) I would also like to thank everyone who appreciate and support my Drawings till Today ! Life has changed so much for this few years going through ups and downs and meeting many different people in life ... 
I transferred course in the middle of the year , taking a long holiday break which my friends are envy of but thinking about I should do my best next year , taking a course that I like and pursue further in my studies :) 
So yea thats all for the Day :D 

Sam Midnightwalker ~