Thursday, September 16, 2010

2NE1 songs are really addictive ^^

Their songs are so addictive that I am sticking to them this few days . And I really mean days . I even listen to them when I walk to school and coming back from school and when i am doin my hw and playin com . Try them out ! The songs are really nice and It has a so called curse on them . Haha ^^ One of the best album I have heard ! Gonna buy it if it comes to SG . Yea Yea !!!!! Yeaaaaa

Sunday, September 12, 2010

OK a new day ! Haha

Ok tdy a new day and my cousin , Sean is goin to london to study graphic design ^^ ........ so cool hope I cn go there 1 day ! haha . Sad thing is cousin kevin is nt here , should ask him more about my blog and kpop stuff bt too bad he is nt here tdy !
Haiz , Dinner was gd tdy and had nice conversations with relatives . haha ! Played chi chess with my uncle and drawed with him , very tough opponent . After tat went home ! very nice day and hope tat tmw will end well like tdy ^^
Gd nite sweet dreams ^^

Thursday, September 9, 2010

THe Reason Why I didn't cut my hair tdy ?

My fav hairdresser did not come tdy as he is having a day off which i dun noe so I will hopefully cut my hair tmw !

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ok tdy is another gd Day !

OK , day 3 of the holidays and it's going well . Clearing My Mind Really Help Alot In doing my schoolwork . Still have maths and english not done . + It is online Hw !! I gtta say that tmw going to cut my hair . Don't know how it will turn out . Still got many things to handle ? Exams ? Hw ? Others ? I dun noe . Hope everything goes well !!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Today ! is OK

Wow seriously it is the holidays and I have to go back to school . WHat is THIS ? wake up around 6.30 cos my mum needs to work so gt up early and have nice breakfast ! After that , went to plaza to walk around , btw in the morning the shops are not open there except for macdonald's and KFC . So needed to go toilet , went to 2nd storey toilet , cleaning and so forth until the 4th storey . So after doing my business in there went outside the comics connection shop there and sat there and msg friends . Until about 7.45 then i went to sch . The drama starts at 8.30 so went early . After that , saw Kevin in sch and talk . Cut the long story short , I didn't remember some of my lines even though i had very little to remember .

After school went to plaza with clarence , walk around and saw suria and raj at mac , so talk to them and decided to go suria's block area's exercise place . We just call it our  ` Ninja Warrior ' . After tough training there , went to get free water which suria says is nice . In order to get free water , ppl have to go down a drain and get the water and climb out again . So tasted the water and it was actually quite nice . Nicer than pure water . Haha . Then went back home by walking .

Yea , Got Lucifer album at Last !

I used to be not a fan of SHINee , but times have changed and I am now a Real fan XD . Seriously , it's no joke , that is how powerful kpop can influence you . I noe that there are some anti fans of kpop and bands . But who cares as long as you are a fan . Just so happy to get the album !

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Step Up 3 !!

Wow , the movie mention above really ROX . It is so nice . You can say that we mix a bit of dance and romance in the story . After tuition went to Lot 1 wif Shan Quan to watch this awesome . B4 watchin it i wondered  , Hey why am i watching step up 3 when I nvr even watch step up 1 and 2 ! LOLs .
So as I was watchin the show I found it seriously NICE . But while the show was showing , a few accidents also happen . I went to the toilet twice and nvr notice Lot 1 's cinema toilets change . After the movie , LRTied home . Hahaha . Recommend it to ppl . One Better Day !