Friday, April 30, 2010

Today !

Today school was ok , had exam and after that went to the kevin house for awhile then go to Lot 1 to buy his Hot pink headphone for himself then went back to school for literature presentation . Tried to remember but ..... in the end still remember . Later when it is time for us to present , the crowd made us laugh but it was very funny . After the presentation , Ms He gave us homework from Ms Ivy . Later took LRT with Clarence and the others . Walk back with Clarence . Get back home routine then watch Tv . Today was really busy and the weather is hot .

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today !

Today did not go to school as I was sick today . Feel not so good but clarence and suria pass me homework to do . I was like OMG so many homework ! Now going to revise for my exam tomorrow ! So I better work harder . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today !

Today had 2.4 km run was very boring . Woke up early in the morning at 5.45 then routine and then rest for awhile before rushing down to LRT to meet my friends then took LRT to Lot 1 then change to MRT to go to chinese garden . We decided to go to cheers to buy drinks but it wasn't open yet so decided to wait since it is still early . After waiting for so long and it is still not open yet we decided to make our way to chinese garden . So later put valuables in a plastic bag for the teacher to keep . Then we go by level to run . When it was our turn we did some warm up then briefing to run . After that started to run , jog till I reached clarence . Congrats to people who did well . Later decided to go back by LRT with Suria . At home really did sleep after eating and resting and of couse , bathing . After that it will be another story ........... Exams are coming . Sam , you really have to work very hard .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Today !

Today was fun and did many things after school . I had to go for a survey and the survey was very boring . After that went to plaza with clarence then saw Kairu at Mcdonald's later walked back home . At home , routine already then watch movie on TV . What a day full of activities . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Today !

Today went to party at bugis junction , Ma Maison . The food was awesome , came there first and then wait for awhile ,walk around bugis junction for awhile then went back . Ordered baked fish with don't know what sauce . Took a picture of it and my cousin's tonkatsu set . Looks nice but it is also tastes nice . Later my other cousin went to river valley to take the cake . When she came back sing birthday song for my nephew then went to aunt's house . At aunt's house , took some pictures with cousin then later went to see my other cousin play Final Fantasy 13 , nice and fun . Afetr that went to buy things to eat for dinner . After about ten went back home . So Fun today . Just a Post =D

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today !

Today woke up early and played my ipod touch . Fun . Yesterday, downloaded lots of new games and played a few today . Later still have to attend a birthday party and go to british council . What to do , today is a busy schedule . Try to finish my british council homework fast . Just a Post =D

Today !

Today , so happy solved my ipod problem then went to tuition . So fun and scored the highest in class =D . Later went to IMM and then went to buy SNSD run devil run album and also bought 3 snsd and 2 shinee cards . So happy today =D . Just a Post .

Friday, April 23, 2010

Today !

Today time passed fast and school was fun . After school , went to plaza with clarence and later found out that I can't listen to my music in my Ipod so only method to get home and reset the things . When I got back to auntie's house , routine then sleep till 5+ . Shocked that today there is no music bank ! Then later went back home later round 8+ then decided to repair but find the method difficult ........ Just a Post =D

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today !

Today after school , Clarence came to my house then we played chinese chess and some games and of course Homework . It was fun later went to West Mall to eat . The food was nice and after that went to eat Ice cream and I had strawberry fields it was nice and good . After that went home . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today , school was fun except I really don't get it , why does Arrifin and Ridwan keep asking me to dance ring ding dong . From my opinion , I think that they are umappreciative . So be it I don't really care . Anyways after school followed Wen Qing and Suria to play chinese chess under the block . After that went back , routine then went to fajar to get my hair trim . Around 8+ at night went to plaza to buy 4 cards . They are shown above . Could not find Yuri's picture so have to search for it somewhere . Later when going out of plaza saw ms chia and 2 teachers . Never greet as they talking . Haha . Just a Post =D

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today !

Today at school , fun , PE did well for Sit-ups and broke Minho's record for it . But I did badly for broad jump and sit and reach . Must work harder on this 2 . After school went to plaza and after awhile went back home . Just a Post =D

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today !

Today the day was exciting but boring at the same time , went to hiking trip after school with clarence after  eating then walk from school to zhenghua park and then to bangkit . So fun sia talk alot but leg very cramp shoulder hurts . Haha but worth it . Tomorrow still got PE at last can run haha . Better go do my homework . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Today went to british council , so fun . We talk and talk then later let teacher scold . Haha . After british council , went to eat with eat with mum at tanglin mall , after that we went to Provence at holland village to buy bread . The bread was so nice . Really recommend it to people who likes eating bread . I forgotten the bread that I ate , I think it was petite something . Then a baker boy come out , he so handsome . then I like wow so shuai . Then took bus back , later still have to go aunt's house .

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today !

Today woke up on the computer and check on updates and listen to some music . Later I still have to go to British council . Now just update and do the work later . Haha . Just a Post =D

What is the meaning of Useful ?

I think that some people really ask for it when they call others useless but they are actually useful in ways but you do not or may know what they may be good at . I do not like this kind of people and if you are trying to choose a team member for your group , you would of course choose someone who is good in that subject or topic and do not call the other person useless as he may be good in other topics . I know that this may seem meaningless to you now, but when you work in the society , you would have to go through this kind of problems . Hope you people will understand what I mean but if you would not listen to the advice you may suffer in the future . Haha I just wrote what I think of this topic . Just an advice , take it if you want to .

Today !

Today after my tuition , I waited for clarence to come to my house to do our project , after that we played some games then he went home . Haha . Then I am here blogging now . Just a Post =D

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today !

Today I wake up to update this blog and faceboking . Later still have chinese class and i have to watch some shows later . Will update ASAP .

Today !

Wow this is my 40th post ! WooHoo and I started blogging this year and 40th post already . Haha . ok back to Today ! Today went to school for speech day , it was so boring . Principal talk for like 40 minutes + . Later went to the movies with clarence and the others . Watch Date night then went home . Clarence went to land to play some things then I went back home . Wow , halfway back it rained so ran back . I was fast . Music Bank was still minutes away so I went to bathe then watch music bank . I decided to sleep till 8  . Then went home round 8.30 . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today !

Today school was so fun ! Got 2 barnabas letter and had a geography test haha . We also had an oral exam and it was difficult . After that played chinese chess with wenqing then went home . I did routine then watch tv . hoping for tomorrow to come !!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today !

Today school so boring , no PE no run then after school went to ace learning course then then went home watch star golden bell challenge and invicible youth then play some games . What a boring day . Just a Post =D

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today !

Today went to school with the boring mood then teacher gave homework . So Bad news as there is speech day for me later sad case . Ended school fast and later 3 + suria told me to hurry up so that we will not be late . Later when I reached down , I forgotted to bring tie so ran back and take tie then I ran to find him . Speech day was boring man , talk and talk then after that went to 7-11 buy drink then we went to the wilderness then came back ........ routine then watch TV . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today !

Today on the computer whole day after coming back from British council . When I turn on my computer I sort out songs from my music library then decided to msn awhile then check back my facebook , later I decided to learn shinee's Ring Ding Dong dance but was difficult but I picked up some parts then decided to find some Shinee's songs , find out their songs were nice . Later still got to do homework and tomorrow still have rehearsal for speech day . Hope it ends well . Just a Post =D

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Today !

Today , I updated many things on my official blog and my K-pop blog so hope you people take a good look at it . Later still have to go british council , mr matthew is gone but there is a new teacher today just hope that it is not bad news . hahaha . Just a Post =D

Friday, April 9, 2010

Today !

Today the day was fast and fun . After school took LRT with Suria and Wen Qing then go fajar buy Ice cream eat then went home . Routine again then eat . Rest for awhile sleep then wake up play some games then watch some shows then later go popular buy file and foolscap . Come back facebooking and msning , after that , created a new facebook account . Now Blogging and msning , so boring ,hope that life will liven up abit .

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today !

Today end school fast , went to NCC HQ for train firing . The instructor was good and clear in his explainations . Later went back , cadets who go to camp steel get their certificates back and we get to go back early because we had good attendance . Later went home , routine , eat then rest for awhile then sleep . Come Back to own house play the computer then later think wanna work out . Just a Post =D

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today !

Today was the same routine in school and had fun but was very tiring . After school followed Kevin to popular to buy the science Theory workbook but unfortunately it was out of stock . Later I and Clarence went to te library to play some games on my Ipod and saw Limin . After two hours ++ , we went back home by bus . Just a Post =D

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today !

Today went to never do much only work , work and more work . Boring have to work harder as exam is coming . Later after school , I went to plaza to buy 2 curry puffs , 1 for me another buy for my aunt . Recommended Clarence the stall and he bought 1 and said that it is not bad , later after walking for 1 big round around the plaza , said he wanted another 1 so followed him go buy another 1 then we went back via LRT went to his house to use the toilet then went back home , complete my routine then waited till 5 + tired then sleep didn't realise Invicible Youth start already . Sad but lucky today Yuri was not here . Yuri Hwaiting Speedy recover . Hwaiting . Just a Post =D

Monday, April 5, 2010

Today !

Today at school very boring , teachers have things to attend , some sick then is like we have no lesson ! What is this . I regret it now , wanna learn more new things then just talk but the lesson so boring , how can don't talk . School was normal today went to play chinese chess with clarence then thought we both late but lucky was just in time . later science teacher never come then we had to do 1 hour of relief work . Later home economics period talk alot but also got listen to the teachers . Last period , was Ms Ivy period then had to get into group then write about a class romance story ending , so funny . Later went to plaza Mc donalds saw Gwendolyne , I think she never see me .Later took Bus home saw a group of boys saying girls pretty or not pretty , very funny sia then ignore them and listen to music and get home . Just a Post =D

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today !

Today in the morning , wake up play some games then eat , go british council found out zheng hao never come decided to talk to augustine the perv lucky he today not so perv , huiyi and wen xiu . Today is our teacher's last day so we all very happy but he is good . the five of us ( hui yi , wenxiu , augustine , me and zheng hao ) always give attitude to teacher to Mr Matthew but today relax abit but later also get scolding from teacher for talking too much and never do homework , later come back eat then go back to Facebooking and Blogging . Later have to go aunt's house !! Just a Post =D

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hard Day !!

Today lessons was so boring until I don't want to study . Later have NCC training , it was tough learning new drills and had a blister on my leg as the boots scrap through my skin so the blister break ! Ouch ! Later went back home and bathe so tired . Just a Post =D