Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gnna go upload to deviant later !!! Some drawins tat are nice ! Goin to draw sth later maybe !!!


Ok , Nt been bck fr sometime I noe !!! I drew lots of things recently especially ppl wan me to draw girlz !!! lols I also think tat my lucy drawin is nic and cute !!! Gnna be stress again lols !

Saturday, March 12, 2011

KK long time no post !

I juz recenty drew a new drawin abt pain ! A character frm the anime series naruto ! I am goin to draw another character frm another anime or cartoon soon so k heres the pic

Friday, February 18, 2011

Freestyle Drill !!!

Tdy is a big day for Fajar NCC !!!! I went thr around 6 ++ wake up early ! Later when we are about to go ? ! The bus left us ! So our sir ordered 6 taxis ! OMG !!! tats really ex ! When we went to HQ , saw many diff schools !! When some of them perform , they nvr show standard ! like slackin haha !!! Bt when we perform !! we receive many applause ^^ Very proud of ourselves ! Bt when we are leavin and saw crescent girls , we have no confidence tat we can get first !! Such bad atmosphere , so I juz hope only can hope tat we win ! Bleh One better Day !

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Haha ]

I have not posted since the holidays ! If I suddenly post somethin I noticed tat my views will be increasing !      The reason I didn't post recently as I am celebratin Chinese new year and I am busy with school work ! Bt if I have time I will update the blog !