Monday, August 30, 2010

Teacher's Day ( nt tomorrow )

Teacher's day is on wednesday in Singapore !! Ok , so tmw I and my frens are goin to visit our primary school out of boredom and fun . Don't know how it will turn out ! Haha ~

Friday, August 27, 2010

NCC !!

I recently find that NCC is fun and would like to continue going haha

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yo ! Nothin Mch Juz saying it's my Birthday tmw !

Ok tdy is the 22nd , tmw the 23rd . My birthday is on 23rd . August 23rd . Juz a shout out ^^ haha ~ End it here !

Saturday, August 14, 2010

OMG !!! Orienteering !

First of all it is fun and tiring bt at the same time the test is effing hard ! I woke up at &7 in the morning tdy and had my breakfast b4 setting off for sch . The weather was gd tdy so it may seem quite gd in the morning . After that we gt on the bus to Macrichie Reservoir . Over there we did a pacing practice , after that we split into groups . My group members were wen qing , suria and darryl .We were the first to plot everything so we are the first to set off . to find the checkpoints which are spoons and codes written on them using a marker is very hard . Through the whole thing , we struggled alot bt managed to just  find 5 out of 8 stations and gt back first .after the whole thing we had a fast march back to the road junction and then waited fr the bus . At the bus was tired so rested ~ . When we reached sch we had our test . It was hard and I struggled a lot through it but managed to finish the paper . Hope I pass the test . One Better Day !

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today !

Hey , still not feeling well but recovering from cough and school went through smoothly . Around the afternoon , met with wen qing and clarence to complete our english comprehension and Maths homework . I still have extra maths homework as I did not come on friday . I will have to do it tomorrow . Hope ll ends well . I will also be posting some of my KHR drawings on Facebook , maybe tomorrow ^^ . Love the anime . One Better Day !

Just A stupid Request ? Haha

For all those that come to my blog , pls click the follow button to follow this blog . Kind of stupid but still need it .