Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Holidays !

3 days have past since the holidays and so far it is good as there are shows , music and sports to keep me occupied , FOR now . Really hope it goes well !

Friday, May 28, 2010

How about today ?

Today very boring , nothing to do so decided to blog . People say that if you think about it , you will have a idea on what to do . Ok , today did not do much except for playing some games and chinese chess with my cousin . Lost 2 rounds , but will improve and sharpen on my skills . Nothin much .Just a Post =D

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today !

Today I woke up and then routine . After that on my comp to check on some stuffs . That is for now ! I still have to attend British council and aniq's dad wedding . Haha . Yesterday , also went to the canal to jog with Clarence and really had a good jog . It is already our 4th training session of the week . Tuesday there is a museum trip ^^ I wonder about PBL what will happen next term and about PBL . Many challenges ! Just a Post .

Haha , why the sudden post ?

Lame , why do I suddenly post ? I think that if I don't blog now , this blog is going to be dead ! So let's get back to real business . Haha

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I have always like Krystal in f(x) or in music drama like this . Hope that the part 2 will come out and a happy ending !

Monday, May 10, 2010

Such a Boring Day !

Today had maths paper 1 and geography paper so after paper , went to plaza for toilet since out of school already then went to bangkit to train pull - up and monkey bar . Trying to complete every stage , including the jumping part . But unfortunately , broke 2 of my blisters while doing monkey bar as did it too fast . Haha . Still have some more papers to take . So really have to study harder .

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not Posting ....... !

I may not be posting for awhile due to exam but hope people still check back . Still have to work harder after finding  out the chinese paper is difficult . Really have to work hard .